Tag Archives: wheelie momma

And Then There Were Two

Revisiting my first breastfeeding adventure in celebration of World Breastfeeding Week, I realised that I haven’t spoken about feeding my daughter at all! What an experience that has been. I have quite a bad habit, two bad habits in fact. Firstly, I’m my own harshest critic and I expect myself to excel at everything I […]

My Mum is a Superhero

My Mum is a Superhero Book

In the later stages of my pregnancy with Starfish I began to worry. Not just about the heavy weight of responsibility that hung in the air as with all first time parents but more specifically, how would he feel growing up with a Wheelie Momma? Would he be embarrassed of me? Would he get picked […]

The Eternal Moment of Now

The Eternal Moment of Now

Originally posted on March 30th 2019 For so much of my life I said “I can’t wait until…” or “I wish..” My Grandfather would say in response “Don’t wish your life away” I always scoffed at this, especially during my school days thinking, it’s alright for you, you’re not stuck in an endless loop of […]

New Earth is Now

new earth is now

Originally posted on March 22nd 2019 For all those of you who were curious about the New Earth Mystery School when I spoke about it in January but were too apprehensive to join because you didn’t really know what you’d be getting; you’re in luck! The second wave is launching on March 30th and you can now […]

Why I don’t do New Year’s Resolutions

Why I don’t do New Year’s Resolutions

It’s January, the time of year when the “New Year New Me” brigade are out in full force. We’re all feeling a bit of a pinch in both our wallets and our waistbands and we decide that this will be the year that we clean up our act, get fit, live better and generally just […]

The Dance of the Shadow Puppets

the dance of the shadow puppets

Since my little people came to join me it has really accelerated my journey of self-awareness and growth on all levels. This journey has really ramped up over the last week with the Universe giving me some very loud but beautiful messages in ways that I never expected. One of which was that I needed […]

The Stork comes to Town

the stork comes to town

Thankfully my broken tooth didn’t cause me any problems. Initially I wasn’t sure whether I’d broken the tooth or a piece of a filling. The possibility of the latter caused me to panic slightly (as a child of the 80s with metal fillings) as I wasn’t sure if this could potentially cause issues for Chickpea. […]

Let me In(tro)duce You

Let me In(tro)duce You

I worked hard to convince my consultant that I knew what I was capable of this time round. Determined and backed up the knowledge I’ve gained from my Gentlebirth training as well as being kept totally chilled and focused by the tracks on the Gentlebirth app, I sat, expanding by the day in the sweltering […]

Eagerly awaiting another special delivery

Eagerly awaiting another special delivery

Originally posted on April 15th 2018 I still can’t believe that nearly 21 months have passed since Starfish was born and just as I’m starting to feel settled back into work again I’m already preparing to finish up and head on maternity leave again! As many of you will know I’m 29 weeks pregnant and […]

The Big Red Button

the big red button

Originally posted on October 29th 2017 It started when I was at university, one night a group of my friends and I were sat around the table in our flat putting the world to rights and someone out of the blue, asked a huge question… “If there was a big red button in the middle […]