Sarah Griffiths is a divine creator and magic seeker. She coaches and facilitates others to reframe their beliefs, uncover their own mastery, unlock their limitless potential and create a reality that lights them up.

Sarah is better known to many as Wheelie Momma blogger. Sarah has cerebral palsy since birth which means she uses a wheelchair, something which she actively fought against most of childhood and teenage years. This steely determination served her well and saw her graduate from university, pass her driving test, buy a house, do 2 skydives, travel, get married and have 3 amazing children.

Her journey of awakening really began during her first pregnancy when she discovered bio energy healing and meditation to help deal with chronic pregnancy sickness. This was the turning point when Sarah realised her body and mind’s true power and ability to heal itself. She also realised that while we can’t always consciously control what happens in life, we always have the gift of being able to choose how we react to it.

Fast forward 3 years and Sarah has cured herself of a debilitating back condition and fully embraced her “Wheelie Momma” self to encourage others to reach for the stars regardless of any perceived limitations through her empowerment coaching programme “Mastery in Motion”

She’s now a sought after motivational speaker, she has an online magazine Wheelie Momma Life, is a Gentlebirth antenatal instructor and a published author with her first children’s book “My Mum’s A Superhero” while also working on her autobiography “I’ll show you”

Sarah is also highly intuitive and uses this gift along side her empowerment coaching programme to open other’s hearts and minds to their own divinity, perfection and limitless potential

After realising how important and precious her physical body is to her life’s purpose and getting really serious about her practical self care with beautiful, clean products, Sarah also became an independant ambassador for Tropic Skincare and is passionate about sharing this with others and helping to create a healthier, greener, more empowered world while loving and nourishing ourselves.



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