Revisiting my first breastfeeding adventure in celebration of World Breastfeeding Week, I realised that I haven’t spoken about feeding my daughter at all! What an experience that has been. I have quite a bad habit, two bad habits in fact. Firstly, I’m my own harshest critic and I expect myself to excel at everything I […]
I don’t recognise my body anymore, but not in the way you think.For years I didn’t own a mirror. I felt trapped in a body that I believed was failing me and didn’t reflect who I want to show the world. When I did accidently catch a glimpse of myself, I’d be literally repulsed and […]
About a year ago I was browsing online on the look out for a new pair of my favourite boots. Starfish had his head tilted on my shoulder and was looking on; his eyes lit up when he saw the special edition rainbow Pride design and he excitedly shouted “Mama buy these ones!” I was […]
Skin care was never high on my agenda. I’ve pretty much always been a soap and water kind of girl but as a result my skin did suffer. I had bad acne as a teenager and later very dry skin. It was only as my wedding day approached that I started to panic about my […]
Many of you will already know that one of the services I offer is intuitivereadings. Some people are really into readings and all things a little WuWu butfor many they simply have no idea what it is and while they may be a littlecurious, they also are a little nervous or don’t want to seem […]
People are often quite taken aback when they hear me say that I see my disability and associated pain and depression as some of my greatest gifts and blessings. Here’s why, were it not for my disability and the path it’s taken me on in my life so far, I wouldn’t have had some of […]
I often get asked how I cured my chronic pain. So many people are struggling daily with pain or other debilitating conditions so when someone arrives and says “I get it, and guess what, I’ve come out the other side”. Of course the first response is “Tell me how”. I too battled many years of […]
The last half of 2018 and 2019 was a time of magic for me. Not only was it the time when 3 became 4 with the arrival of our little dynamo princess but it was a time when I grew at an equally rapid rate to my kids. What I mean is, this for me, […]
Reading about actress Cherylee Houston’s recent experience in a hotel where she was “left in tears”after being told that the accessible room had a step into it but was accessible for her wheelchair once inside! It’s made me reflect on some of the experiences I’ve had in hotels across the world. I have to say, […]
Saying “I love you” and meaning it, showing it are two drastically different things. I’m increasingly seeing those around me speaking words of love and light but the energy behind it is anything but. I’m calling time on those who behave like A holes around me, delivering punches in a love lined glove. I don’t […]