I get it

You’re tired. You’re busy with a a million demands on your time, a job, a family, maybe a disability or a body that you feel is trolling you or fighting against you.

You spend the limited energy you do have making sure everyone else has what they need, all the boxes are ticked. You think nothing of spending money on your kids or your loved ones or even donating to charity; to the point where you’ll happily go without yourself. But when it comes to doing something for yourself you “can’t justify it” or talk yourself out of it.

At the end of each day you fall into bed feeling even more exhausted, sore, under appreciated, unseen, insignificant and old.



Here’s the thing….

As long as you keep putting yourself last, making everyone else’s needs more pressing than yours, the cycle of frustration and exhaustion will continue. BUT the second you decide to give yourself the love and TLC that you crave, the game changes!

It doesn’t need to be massive, extravagant acts, you don’t need to abandon ship and sit cross legged on top of a mountain for a week in a meditative state and you definitely don’t need an extra 2 hours in the day (although that would be awesome wouldn’t it?)
I started with the simple act of committing to wash my face every day and take care of my skin. It could be taking 5 minutes every morning before everyone else wakes up to have a cup of coffee and JUST DRINK THE COFFEE. Quiet your mind and drink the coffee, taste it, smell it, enjoy it without folding laundry or packing lunch boxes at the same time. When was the last time you did that?
When YOU prioritise yourself and your wellbeing, even with one small, non-negotiable act; you send the message to your mind and body and to everyone else around you that you matter. That you are worthy of the love and care you give so freely to everyone else.
Then the magic happens! Not only do you receive more of what you create for yourself but you also feel more balanced and energised and ready to squeeze the juice out of life!!
“That all sounds great but I don’t even know where to start”

I’ve got you! In this Masterclass I’ll share with you some Self Care you can start implementing right away and I’ll give you everything you need to get started or to supercharge what you already do.

Ready to Supercharge your self care?

In 90 minutes you’ll get everything you need to plan out a non negotiable, yet adaptable self care plan that fits around your lifestyle and keeps you fully charged, body mind and soul.

I’ll share with you:

🔥My supercharged gratitude practice

🔥My 5 minute blissful skincare routine

🔥Magic hacks to instantly shift your mood and keep your vibe high 

🔥What’s more, you’ll get a little bag of goodies delivered right to your door so we can do a beautiful facial together live at the end of the session to start and you mean to go on.

There’ll also be a few more surprises! You don’t want to miss this one.

What clients say about previous Masterclasses