Mastery in motion : Life Mastery Online Empowerment programme

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Mastery in Motion: Life Mastery Online Empowerment programme

Do you have big dreams and goals or a burning desire to do something in life but have no idea where to start?

Do you have a disability or live with illness, chronic pain or depression that seems to stop you in your tracks?

Are you constantly being told by friends or loved ones that you should “be thankful for the small things. It could be worse or not to get ideas above your station but deep down you know you could be living, feeling, seeing, experiencing so much more?

Are you your own worst critic and say horrible things to yourself to talk yourself out of doing, saying or being something, you would really love to?

Do you feel locked inside your own body or mind, frustrated, angry and powerless to do anything about it?

Do you constantly compare yourself to others around you? You really admire them and think “I’d love to have that lifestyle but… or “it’s alright for them, they’re not dealing with what I have to deal with”.

Do you worry about other people’s expectations of you or what they would think if you made big changes in your life? Or do you let the weight of your responsibilities to family, loved ones, colleagues, hold you back from making any changes because you can’t be “irresponsible?”

If you’ve answered yes to any or all of these things then MASTERY IN MOTION: LIFE MASTERY is for you.

Sarah moved from chronic pain, a feeling of being locked in her own body and crippling anger, anxiety and depression to full realisation of her own mastery and ability to create the life she longed for. She is now living and loving that life.

She has lovingly designed this online, video based course with 8 powerful modules comprised of everything she has learned in her own journey and her daily practices to help you fast track your own life mastery, forge a deep and loving relationship with yourself and make the changes needed to create the reality you dream of.

As well as access to the video content which you can access at any time that suits you and watch or listen on the go, each module has interactive tasks giving you the chance to have a go yourself. You’ll also get access to the Life Mastery Facebook group where you can join a supportive community as we journey together and share our trials and triumphs along the way. Not just for the 8 weeks but for 6 months.





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